• System Application Program

    In information technology, an application (app), application program or software application is a computer program designed to help people perform an activity. ... The delineation between system software such as operating systems and application software is not exact, however, and is occasionally the object of controversy, visit us

  • System Flowchart

    System flowchart is the graphical representation of the flow of data in the system, and represents the work process of the system. Various symbols are used in the flowchart to designate specific actions.

  • Management Information System

    A management information system (MIS) is a computer system consisting of hardware and software that serves as the backbone of an organization’s operations. An MIS gathers data from multiple online systems, analyzes the information, and reports data to aid in management decision-making.

  • Database Management System

    A Database Management System (DBMS) is a system (software) that provides an interface to database for information storage and retrieval. We are more interested in software systems rather than manual systems because they can do the job more efficiently.

  • Operating System

    An operating system or OS is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless.

AS400 Identify the Program Functions

\\AS400 Identify the Program functions//

Names the user-defined function. The combination of name, schema name, the number of parameters, and the data type of each parameter (without regard for any length, precision, scale, or CCSID attributes of the data type) must not identify a user-defined function that exists at the current server.
Related imageFor SQL naming, the function will be created in the schema specified by the implicit or explicit qualifier.

C     P1PIRD        CHAIN     RPRID                              96      
C     *IN96         IFEQ      *OFF                                       
C     PRST          SUB       20000000      INDATE                       
C                   CALL      'DATCHG'                                   
C                   PARM                    INDATE            6 0        
C                   PARM      'YMD'         INFORM            3          
C                   PARM      'SYS'         OTFORM            3          
C                   PARM                    OTDATE            6 0        
C                   PARM                    OTCENT            1 0

   | +-+-INTEGER-+--+                                                                                     |   
   | | '-INT-----'  |                                                                                      
   | '---BIGINT-----'                                                                                    
   |  .-(5,0)------------------------.                                                  
   | | '-DEC-----' |  |             .-,0------                                 
   | '-+-NUMERIC-+-'  '-(--integer--+-----------+--)                                               |   
   |   '-NUM-----'                  '-, integer-'                                                         |   
   |          .-(--53--)------.                                                                           
   | |        '-(--integer--)-' |                                                                       
   | +-REAL---------------------+                                                                         |   
   | |         .-PRECISION-.    |                                                                         |   

   | '-DOUBLE--+-----------+----'  

A function can have zero or more input parameters. There must be one entry in the list for each parameter that the function expects to receive. All the parameters for a function are input parameters and are nullable. In the case of JAVA, numeric parameters other than the DECIMAL and NUMERIC types are not nullable. A runtime error will occur if a null value is input to such a parameter for a CALLED ON NULL INPUT function. For more information, see Defining the parameters in CREATE FUNCTION.

Physical File Record AS400

\\Physical File Record AS400//

 d PGMNAME         pr
 d  TrgBuffer_                         like(TrgBuffer)
 d  TrgBufLen_                         like(TrgBufLen)

 d BefImg        e ds                  extname(FILENAME) prefix(b_)
 d AftImg        e ds                  extname(FILENAME) prefix(a_)
Related image
 d FILENAMER       pi
 d  p$TrgBuffer                        like(TrgBuffer)
 d  p$TrgBufLen                        like(TrgBufLen)

    TrgBuffer = p$TrgBuffer;
    TrgBufLen = p$TrgBufLen;

    NRO = NewRecOff + 1;
    NRL = NewRecLen;
    ORO = OrgRecOff + 1;
    ORL = OrgRecLen;

    // Set Before / After Images
    BefImg = %subst(TrgBuffer:ORO:ORL);
    AftImg = %subst(TrgBuffer:NRO:NRL);


    // Update
     when TrgEvent = '3';

     // Set last updated timestamp on record.
     a_lstupd = %timestamp();
     %subst(TrgBuffer:NRO:NRL) = AftImg;
     p$TrgBuffer = TrgBuffer; 
  timestamp not null
  generated always
  for each row on update
  as row change timestamp

AS400 Cleaner Functions

//AS400 Cleaner files

Related imageD ErrPrefix 3
D ErrMsgID 4
D ErrMajor 2 OVERLAY(ErrMsgID:1)
D ErrMinor 2 OVERLAY(ErrMsgID:3)
D RtnCode DS
D PackedNbr 15P 5
D RtnCode DS
D PackedNbr 1 8P 5
D Pos145 145 152
D PackNbr 15P 5
C     STEP          DOUEQ     *BLANK             
C     STEP          CASEQ     'INZ01 '      INZ01 
C     STEP          CASEQ     'DSP01 '      DSP01 
C     STEP          CASEQ     'NOP01 '      NOP01 
C     STEP          CASEQ     'DSP02 '      DSP02 
C     STEP          CASEQ     'LSF01 '      LSF01 
C     STEP          CASEQ     'EDT01 '      EDT01 
C     STEP          CASEQ     'EDT02 '      EDT02 
C     STEP          CASEQ     'EXIT  '      EXIT 

D IndicatorPtr * INZ(%ADDR(*IN))

D DS BASED(IndicatorPtr)

D F03Key 3 3

D F05Key 5 5

D CustNotFnd 50 50

D SflClr 91 91

D SflDsp 92 92

D SflDspCtl 93 93

C IF F03Key = *ON




AS400 Easy way to Read File A to File B

FFilea            if   e           k disk   
Ffileb            uf a  e         k disk   

D ds_filea        E DS                  ExtName( Filea )
D ds_fileb        E DS                  ExtName( Fileb )
Image result for as400
read filea
dow not%eof(filea)

eval ds_fileb = ds_filea
eval random_number = random_number
write {fileb}
read  filea

 // dump member names to outfile for processing                       
FFilea            if   e           k disk     usropn
Ffileb            uf a  e         k disk   
D CmdString       s            256    inz(*blanks)
D CmdLength       s             15  5 inz(0)

D ds_filea        E DS                  ExtName( Filea ) 
D ds_fileb        E DS                  ExtName( Fileb ) 

C                   eval      CmdString = %trim('ovrdbf  filea  member(*ALL) ')
C                   eval      CmdLength = %len(%trim(CmdString))
C                   call(e)   'QCMDEXC'                           
C                   parm                    CmdString
C                   parm                    CmdLength

c                    if  not%open(filea)
c                    open filea
c                    endif

read filea 
dow not%eof(filea)

eval ds_fileb = ds_filea
eval random_number = random_number
write {fileb}
read  filea

AS400 String Functions

The Following are the AS/400 String Scalar Functions

Related imageReturns the string-representation of a date, time or timestamp value, X. F is the format, (which is optional), and can be: USA, ISO, JUL or any defined system format.

Retuns a long integer representing the length of X if X is a character string. Lengths of VARCHAR is the actual length of the string, not the max length of the Varchar. The length includes any trailing blanks.

Returtns a string that is the result of concatinating X||Y

Example: Select concat(FirstName,LastName) from Emp

Returns the leftmost L characters from string S. IF L is bigger than S, S is padded with blanks.

Returns the length of X.
C     KYDETL        KLIST                                           
C                   KFLD                    PERIOD            4 0   
C                   KFLD                    S1VEND                   
C                   EVAL      TOTSEC = *ZEROS                       
C                   EVAL      TOTSEC1 = *ZEROS                       
C                   MOVE      'INZ01 '      STEP              6     
C                   ENDSR
Left trims the string X, (removes beginning blanks).

Trims trailing blanks from string X.

Strings character Chr from string S in direction Dir. Valid directions are Both, Leading or Trailing.

Returns a substring beginning at position Str and continuing to Len from string S.

Replaces occurrences of C1 with C2 in string X.

Removes leading and trailing blanks from string X.

Returns X as an all caps string.

Returns X as a varchar string of max imum length L.

Returns X as a vargraphic of max length L

VB 6.0 SQL Query

\\VB 6.0 SQL****
Private Sub cmdAuthor_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "SELECT Author FROM  book"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End Sub
For the command button cmdTitle, key in
Private Sub cmdTitle_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "SELECT Title FROM book"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End Sub
Finally for the command button cmdAll, key in
Private Sub cmdAll_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM book"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End Sub
Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim username, password As String
username = "Jun"
password = "02014611@#"
If UsrTxt.Text = username And pwTxt.Text = password Then
MsgBox ("Sucessfully Signed")
ElseIf UsrTxt.Text <> username Or pwTxt.Text <> password Then
MsgBox ("Sign in failed")
End If
End Sub 
 Private Sub cmdCalComm_Click()
Dim salevol, comm As Currency
salevol = Val(TxtSaleVol.Text)
If salevol >= 6000 And salevol < 120000 Then
comm = salevol * 0.06
ElseIf salevol >= 40000 And salevol < 11000 Then
comm = salevol * 0.4
ElseIf salevol >= 20000 And salevol < 25000 Then
comm = salevol * 0.20
ElseIf salevol >= 40000 Then
comm = salevol * 0.4
comm = 0
End If
LblComm.Caption = Format(comm, "$#,##0.00")
End Sub 

SQL Basic Commands

\\SQL Oracle******

WITH  dept_costs AS (SELECT department_name, SUM(salary) dept_total FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department_id = d.department_idGROUP BY department_name), avg_cost AS (SELECT SUM(dept_total)/COUNT(*) avg FROM dept_costs)SELECT * FROM dept_costs WHERE dept_total > (SELECT avg FROM avg_cost) ORDER BY department_name;SELECT *FROM employees WHERE department_id = 30 ORDER BY last_name;SELECT last_name, job_id, salary, department_id FROM employees WHERE NOT (job_id = 'PU_CLERK' AND department_id = 30) ORDER BY last_name;SELECT a.department_id "Department", a.num_emp/b.total_count "%_Employees",a.sal_sum/b.total_sal "%_Salary" FROM (SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) num_emp, SUM(salary) sal_sum FROM employees GROUP BY department_id) a, (SELECT COUNT(*) total_count, SUM(salary) total_sal FROM employees) b ORDER BY a.department_id;SELECT * FROM sales PARTITION (sales_q2_2000) s WHERE s.amount_sold > 1500 ORDER BY cust_id, time_id, channel_id;SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date < TO_DATE('2000-06-15', 'YYYY-MM-DD');SELECT COUNT(*) * 10 FROM orders SAMPLE (10); COUNT(*)*10SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE last_name = 'Langa'; SALARY ---------- 3800 UPDATE employees SET salary = 4000 WHERE last_name = 'Langa'; 1 row updated. SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE last_name = 'Langa';SELECT salary FROM employees AS OF TIMESTAMP (SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) WHERE last_name = 'Langa';SELECT salary FROM employees VERSIONS BETWEEN TIMESTAMP SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '10' MINUTE AND SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1' MINUTE WHERE last_name = 'Langa';

UPDATE employees SET salary =
 (SELECT salary FROM employees
WHERE last_name = 'Langa')
 WHERE last_name = 'Langa';
1 row updated.
SELECT salary
FROM employees
WHERE last_name = 'Langa';

VB.Net - Basic Syntax

VB.Net - Basic Entry Modules**//
 Imports System  
Public Class Rectangle
Related imagePrivate length As Double
Private width As Double 
'Public methods 
Public Sub 
length = 4.5 
width = 3.5
End Sub 
Public Function
GetArea() As Double GetArea = length * width End Function Public Sub Display() Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", length) 
Console.WriteLine("Width: {0}", width) 
 Console.WriteLine("Area: {0}", GetArea()) 
End Sub 
 Shared Sub Main()
 Dim r As New Rectangle() r.Acceptdetails() r.
Display() Console.ReadLine()
 End Sub
 End Class 
Shared Sub Main() 
 Dim r As New Rectangle() 
End Sub
Module DataTypes  
Sub Main() 
 Dim b As Byte  
Dim n As Integer 
 Dim si As Single 
 Dim d As Double  
Dim da As Date  
Dim c As Char  
Dim s As String
 Dim bl As Boolean 
b = 1 
 n = 1234567
  si = 0.12345678901234566 
d = 0.12345678901234566 
da = Today 
 c = "U"
 c s = "Me" 
 If ScriptEngine = "VB" 
 Then bl = True 
 Else bl = False  
End If  
If bl Then 
 'the oath taking Console.Write(c & " and," & s & vbCrLf) 
 Console.WriteLine("declaring on the day of: {0}", da) 
Console.WriteLine("We will learn VB.Net seriously") 
Console.WriteLine("Lets see what happens to the floating point variables:") 
Console.WriteLine("The Single: {0}, The Double: {1}", si, d) 
 End If
 End Sub
 End Module

C# - Basic Syntax

C# -Basic Flow of Program **\\
using System; 
 namespace RectangleApplication 
{class Rectangle 
{ // member variables  
Image result for c#double length; 
 double width; 
 public void Acceptdetails()  
{  length = 4.5; 
width = 3.5;  
}  public double GetArea()  
{  return length * width; 
 }  public void Display()  
{  Console.WriteLine
 ("Length: {0}", length); Console.WriteLine 
("Width: {0}", width); Console.WriteLine("Area: {0}", 
 GetArea()); } } class ExecuteRectangle 
 { static void Main(string[] args) 
 { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); 
 }  }  }/* This program demonstrates 
The basic syntax of C# programming Language *
   using System; 
 namespace DataTypeApplication { 
 class Program { 
 static void Main(string[] args) { 
 Console.WriteLine("Size of int: {0}", sizeof(int)); 
  }  } } 
using System; 
 namespace TypeConversionApplication 
 { class ExplicitConversion  
{ static void Main(string[] args)  
{ double d = 5673.74; int i; // cast double to int. 
i = (int)d; Console.WriteLine(i);  
Console.ReadKey(); } } } 
using System; 
 namespace TypeConversionApplication  
{ class StringConversion  
{ static void Main(string[] args)  
{ int i = 75; 
 float f = 53.005f;  
double d = 2345.7652; 
 bool b = true;  
 } } }


C - Basic Syntax

Basic Code With Keywords **// 
"Declare variables" 
int age;
Image result for c programming languageprintf("Hello, World! \n")
printf("Hello, World! \n"); return 0;/* my first program in C */ 
fruit = apples + oranges; // get the total fruit
 #include <stdio.h> #include  
<float.h> int main() 
{ printf("Storage size for float : %d \n", 
 printf("Minimum float positive value: %E\n", FLT_MIN ); 
 printf("Maximum float positive value: %E\n", FLT_MAX ); 
 printf("Precision value: %d\n", 
FLT_DIG ); return 0; }
extern int d = 3, f = 5; // declaration of d and f.
 int d = 3, f = 5; // definition and initializing d and f.
 byte z = 22; // definition and initializes z.
 char x = 'x'; // the variable x has the value 'x'.
#include <stdio.h> // Variable declaration: 
 extern int a, b; extern int c; extern float f; int main () { /* variable definition: */ 
 int a, b; int c; float f; /* actual initialization */ 
 a = 10; b = 20; c = a + b; 
printf("value of c : %d \n", c); 
 f = 70.0/3.0; 
 printf("value of f : %f \n", f);
  return 0; }
// function declaration
  int func(); int main()  
{ // function call int i = func(); } 
 // function definition int func() 
 { return 0; }
 int g = 20; // valid statement 10 = 20; //
invalid statement; would generate compile-time error
 #include <stdio.h>
  #define LENGTH 10  
#define WIDTH 5 
 #define NEWLINE '\n' 
 int main()  
{ int area; 
 area = LENGTH * WIDTH; 
 printf("value of area : %d", area); 
 printf("%c", NEWLINE); 
 return 0; }
 #include <stdio.h>  
int main() 
{ const int LENGTH = 10;  
const int WIDTH = 5;  
const char NEWLINE = '\n'; 
 int area; area = LENGTH * WIDTH; 
 printf("value of area : %d", area); 
 printf("%c", NEWLINE);
  return 0; }



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